Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Galešnjak, the small heart shaped island is located in Pašman channel of the Adriatic, between island of Pašman and the town of Turanj on mainland Croatia. It was first recorded in the 19th century by Napoleons cartographer Charles-Francois Beautemps-Beaupre, who included it in his atlas of Dalmatian coast.

The island has the surface area of 0,132 km 2, with its beaches measuring 1,55 km in length. The highest point of the island is 36 m above the sea level. Today this island is privatly owned and contains only wild plants and trees.

The interesting story from 12. century says that the pope Alexander III. accompanied by his fleet sailed from south Italy to the Venice. On that occasion he passed trought Pašman channel and fleet stopped between islands Ričul and Galešnjak, from where he sended his messenger to Zadar to announce his visit to that town.

Galešnjak became world famous in 2008, when Google Earth declared it as one of the few hearth shaped natural phenomena.

                                                                Galešnjak video

                                                                Galešnjak GMaps

Post Author; Marija Jurlina

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